With the Emergency Vehicle Alert Beta, warnings and notifications will be triggered on the navigation map, instrument cluster, and heads-up display (if available) whenever an emergency vehicle, such as police, ambulance, or fire truck approaches with lights and siren active. This way, the driver has more time to perform maneuvers in a safe manner and save the emergency vehicle valuable seconds.
Note: Not all municipalities take part in this program. If municipality does not use HAAS Alert System technologies, their vehicles will not show alerts.
An emergency vehicle icon will appear on the navigation map when an emergency vehicle like a fire truck, ambulance, etc. is nearby.
Tap on the emergency vehicle icon and a window will appear with details, such as the emergency vehicle type, distance to the emergency vehicle, and time of signal sent from the emergency vehicle.
When there is an emergency vehicle nearby, you will receive a notification on the instrument cluster, along with an audio alert.
You will also receive a notification on the head-up display if it's available in your vehicle.
The Emergency Vehicle Alert Beta can be joined from the Mercedes-Benz app or the MBUX Voice Assistant.
Join through the MBUX Voice Assistant
To enroll in the Mercedes-Benz Beta Program, say "Hey Mercedes, I want to join the Beta Program". You will be directed to the Mercedes-Benz app on your mobile device or to download the Mercedes-Benz app. From there, you can enroll in the MBUX Beta Program.